
Imp Questions of Science 1 of Maharashtra Board SSC

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Hey, guys are you looking for the imp questions of science class 10 ssc then you are at the right place. Because in this post you will be getting the all-important question of science class 10. So, whenever we talk about the important question of any subject then that will become from only previous data or experience of any individual right na!

I have past 5 years of experience of Maharashtra board SSC all papers including science papers 1 and 2 also. here will see the all-important questions which will help you in the upcoming board exam 2021. 

Most IMP Questions of Science 1 SSC Board 2021

Chapter 1: Gravitation

  • State newton’s universal law of gravitation mathematically.
  • Give Kepler’s first and third law for planetary motion.
  • Explain the variation in the value of gravitational acceleration (g) along the surface, with height and depth
  • One numerical on newton’s universal law of gravitation
  • What do you mean by free fall 
  • Explain why the value of ‘g’ is zero at the center of the Earth.

Chapter 2: Periodic Classification of Elements

  • Explain Dobereiner’s Triads with example (Li, Na, K)
  • Give the Mendeleev’s Periodic law and Modern Periodic law
  • What are the demerits of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table?
  • What do you mean by Periodic Trends and list trends
  • Explain the terms; valency, atomic size/atomic radius, electronic configuration, transition metals, alkali metals, halogens, noble gases, lanthanides, and actinides
  • How many periods, groups, blocks, and elements are in the modern periodic table?
  • Give Reason: Metallic character goes on decreasing while going from left to right
  • Give Reason: Atomic radius/size goes on increasing down a group
  • Give Reason: Atomic radius/size goes on decreasing left to right in the periods
  • Give Reason: Group 18 elements are also called noble gases.

Chapter 3: Chemical Reactions and Equations

  • Explain with examples: combination reactions, decomposition reactions, displacement reactions, catalyst, oxidation, and reduction.
  • Distinguish between exothermic and endothermic reactions.
  • List the factors affecting the rate of a chemical reaction
  • Determine which reactions are oxidation and reduction OR exothermic and endothermic
  • Maybe one example balance the given chemical equation.

Chapter 4: Effect of electric current

  • Formula and units for electric current(I), resistance (R), electrical power (P), Heat, Potential Difference (P.D or V)
  • State the principle: electric motor, electric generator, ammeter, voltmeter, galvanometer.
  • Explain Fleming’s left-hand rule, right-hand thumb rule.
  • Give Reason: For electric transmission, copper or aluminum wire is used.
  • Why Fuse is important in the electric circuit?
  • Explain the terms: short circuit, overloading.
  • What do you mean by electromagnet?
  • What is the frequency of electricity in India? And explain what is the frequency?

Chapter 5: Heat

  • Distinguish between specific latent heat of fusion and vaporization.
  • Give the SI units of Heat
  • Explain in brief: Anomalous behavior of water
  • What is humidity? and give the formula to calculate relative humidity.
  • Give the ‘principle of heat change’.
  • A numerical on the formula of energy gained or released.

Chapter 6: Refraction of Light

  • What is the refraction of light? Dispersion of light?
  • State the laws of refraction of light.
  • Give the definition of the refractive index of the material.
  • Draw ray diagram, when light is passed from rarer to denser OR denser to rarer medium.
  • At least two numerical on the formula of refractive index
  • What is the reason for the twinkling of the stars?

Chapter 7: Lenses

  • Explain the terms, center of curvature (C), Radius of curvature R, and focal length.
  • Explain the magnification, power of the lens.
  • Formula and unit for the power of the lens
  • Give reason: Simple microscope is used for watch repairs.
  • Distinguish between: Convex and Concave lens.
  • One numerical on focal length.
  • Human eye-related terms: iris, retina, pupil
  • Any two uses of concave lenses

Chapter 8: Metallurgy

  • Why calcium shows different reaction with water
  • The reaction of metal with HCl
  • Which are the high reactive metals
  • Explain, ionic compounds, ionic bonds.
  • Why ionic compounds are hard in nature?
  • Why melting point and boiling point of ionic compounds are higher?
  • Give the formula of bauxite, rust, alumina, silica, and caustic soda.
  • What do you mean by gangue?
  • What is corrosion and give all possible methods for prevention of it?
  • Give reason: Sodium is always kept in the kerosene.
  • Formation of NaCl and MgCl2 by ionic bond
  • Neat labeled diagram of the magnetic separation method.
  • What is the difference between ore and minerals?
  • Roasting and calcination
  • Halls process and Bayer’s process
  • Explain Leaching process

Chapter 9: Carbon Compounds

  • Difference between ionic compounds and covalent compounds
  • Explain the terms: catenation power, 
  • Draw the electron dot structure of methane, ethane.
  • What is meant by hydrocarbons gives its classification.
  • Define alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes with their general formula, examples.
  • Explain the isomerism or isomers with suitable examples
  • Give the possible isomers of pentane or hexane
  • Explain aromatic compounds with suitable examples.
  • What are the functional groups?
  • Explain the homologous series with a specific example.
  • What are the characteristics of the homologous series?
  • Define alkyl group with example. 
  • What are the isoalkanes, isoalkanes?
  • How to convert ethanol to ethanoic acid?
  • How to convert unsaturated hydrocarbons to saturated hydrocarbons.
  • Give the reaction chlorination of methane (substitution reaction of carbon compounds)
  • Write all physical properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid/acetic acid.
  • Give the Esterification Reaction.

Chapter 10: Space Mission

  • What is meant by artificial satellite, and what gives its types?
  • What are the types of satellites?
  • The first artificial satellite
  • Define critical velocity, escape velocity. 
  • Explain the structure of satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLV)
  • Why are geostationary satellites not useful for studies of polar regions
  • Explain your opinion If the height of the orbit of a satellite increases, its velocity must also increase.
  • If the mass of a planet is eight times the mass of the earth and its radius of the earth, what will be the escape velocity for that planet? that planet.

IMP Questions of Science 2 SSC Board 2021 

You can download the Question Bank for Science and Technology

Chapter 1: Heredity and Evolution

  • What is meant by heredity and evolution
  • What do you mean by Translation & Translocation
  • Evidence of Evolution (any four)
  • Write a note on connecting link, Lamarckism.
  • Define heredity. Explain the mechanism of hereditary changes
  • Evidence of evolution
  • Define fossil. Explain the importance of fossils as proof of evolution.

2. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part 1

  • What is meant by cellular respiration?
  • Define: aerobic respiration, glycolysis
  • Distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration
  • Distinguish between Mitosis and meiosis
  • Give reason: cell division is one of the important nutrients. 
  • With the help of suitable diagrams, explain the mitosis in detail.
  • Explain the Kreb’s cycle with reaction.

3. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part 2

  • Distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction.
  • Types of asexual reproduction (unicellular and multicellular)
  • Explain with a diagram: Binary Fission, Multiple Fission, Spore Formation.
  • What do you mean by fertilization, and gamete formation?
  • Sketch the labeled diagrams: female reproductive system, flower with its sexual reproductive organs.
  • The gender of a child is determined by the male partner of the couple. Explain with reasons whether this statement is true or false.
  • Give the names: Hormones related to the male and female reproductive system, Types of twins, Any two sexual diseases, Methods of family planning, important sexual organs of male and female reproductive systems
  • Explain the Menstrual cycle

4. Environmental Management

  • Define ecosystem, food chain, pyramid of energy, pollution, environment
  • Basic functional unit used to study the ecology is called as
  • Complete the food chain: Grasshopper – Snake – Paddy field –Eagle – Frog.
  • Write note on: Biodiversity, Disaster and its management
  • Write the factors affecting the environment
  • Give the examples of biodiversity, ecosystem
  • How can biodiversity be conserved?

5. Towards Green Energy

  • What are the turbines and their functions?
  • Explain the conversion of energy with examples.
  • Distinguish between Conventional and Non-conventional sources of energy.
  • What is meant by green energy?
  • Which energy sources can be called green energy sources and why? Give example.
  • What are the advantages and limitations of solar energy?
  • Explain with diagram step-by-step energy conversion in nuclear power plant, hydroelectric power plant
  • Why nuclear waste safely disposition is a big challenge before scientists.

6. Animal Classification

  • Complete the chart on the characteristics of the animal’s category, class, or phylum
  • Give reason: Our body irritates if it comes in contact with jellyfish.
  • Give reason: All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
  • Write the characters of each of the following animals with the help of the classification: Bath sponge, frog/tod, jellyfish.
  • Class Aves and Mammalia are the important classes
  • Explain the phylum Porifera
  • Draw neat labeled: Hydra, starfish.

7. Introduction to Microbiology

  • How the bread and other products produced using baker’s yeast are nutritious.
  • Explain clean technology
  • Explain Bioinsecticides, antibiotics.
  • What is the role of microbes in compost production?
  • What are the benefits of mixing ethanol with petrol and diesel?
  • Which precautions are necessary for the proper decomposition of domestic waste?
  • Explain the importance of biopesticides in organic farming.

8. Cell Biology and Biotechnology

  • Explain the term Cytology, Insecticides, organic farming, 
  • Biotechnology
  • Write a note on White revolution, Green Revolution, Biotechnology: Professional uses, 
  • Which precautions will you take during the spraying of pesticides?
  • Explain the meaning of vaccination.
  • Uses of stem cells.
  • Write a comparative note on the usefulness and harmfulness of biotechnology.

9. Social Health

  • Which factors affect the social health
  • Explain the importance of good communication with others
  • Stress management
  • What will you do? In any particular situation?

10. Disaster Management

  • Write notes on the Nature of disaster management, Mock Drill.
  • Give the reasons for the increase in human disasters after World War II.
  • Why is it essential to get the training in first aid?
  • Which different aspects of disaster management would you check for your school? Why
  • Some symbols are given below.
  • Explain those symbols. Which disasters may occur if those symbols are ignored?

So, friends, I hope that, you will find these all questions very useful for your upcoming SSC board examinations.

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